Moosend Review

Moosend Review

Email marketing and marketing automation, once conquered, can be a conversion powerhouse. It creates bonds with prospects and customers, up to the point where making your brand a household name is entirely possible.

Moosend’s platform can very well lead you down that path, with tools that allow you to understand your customer’s journey through powerful analytics. It can also help you boost your performance with robust AI tools that promise to fit your marketing strategy, whatever that may be.

The platform’s wide variety of features will be perfect for your mailing lists and will help you manage everything about them, from their performance to their design, with little effort.

Email Marketing Tools

Since the features of Moosend’s platform are centered around email marketing, this would be the best place to start our review.

In a nutshell, the platform features the following:

  • An email editor
  • Sophisticated personalization and segmentation options
  • A/B testing tools
  • Marketing automation tools

Now, let’s see what each feature can offer.

Moosend’s Email Editor

The platform comes equipped with a Drag-and-Drop email editor that can help marketers either create their email newsletter templates from scratch or customize one of the many ready-made email templates in Moosend’s library.

This email builder is easy to use both for the novice and the advanced marketer, as it requires zero knowledge of HTML code.


As you can see, there are blocks where the user can drag and drop various elements, including interactive elements such as GIFs or videos. The editor also gives the option of content types, such as countdown timers, plain text options, social media icons, while there is a library with a wide variety of images.

Of course, there’s another feature meant to help you create newsletter templates that engage your subscribers and lead to better conversion.


Use the “Conditional Visibility” feature to alter the content your subscriber can see. This means that you will set the conditions that will show unique content to each recipient, creating dynamic emails. Just use your data, pick out proper photography, and set the right conditions to entice your subscribers.

For example, if you’re an eCommerce store that ships globally, you can use conditional visibility to entice with offers that will change according to location; dynamic content to cater to the Australian winter and the European summer at the same time.

Finally, Moosend’s editor allows marketers to preview according to the device, ensuring that nothing can go amiss.

Moosend’s Personalization & Segmentation

This tool offers segmentation tools that can lead to personalized content, like the dynamic email content mentioned above, just by storing data in the system and allowing marketers to pinpoint even the most underused customer segments.

There are many ways to segment your email list. You can use any criteria, from demographics and psychographics to email opens, cart abandoners, geographic location, or even age and gender.


You can base your segments on your data or even the information you can gather from previous campaigns. Just create a custom segment, filter your list, and select the subscribers who would love to see your content.


Use personalization tags to make sure the content will be spot-on and that your marketing message will be aligned with what your recipients would love to see. After all, creating a newsletter is all about getting prospects to interact with your brand.

A/B Testing Tools

Moosend’s A/B testing options can help you optimize your email newsletters, from the email body to the subject line itself.

For example, Moosend’s Refine, the free subject line tester, allows you to test your email’s subject line and see how it fairs out against the industry’s standard.


Through the platform, you can create different versions of your email, change one component at a time, and track how each version performs. After that, you can pick out the version that performed best and send it to your audience.

The test length period can be set to 24 hours, and the components tested can be up to two. A/B testing is one of the most critical components of email marketing, as educated, data-driven decisions lead to better results.

Marketing Automation Tools

Moosend’s automation tools help marketers build drip campaigns and email autoresponders to send triggered messages to recipients according to their behavior.

The platform features ready-made automation recipes that can cover all audiences and guarantee a boost to your conversion rate and ROI.


You can create and use automation recipes that cover the most common sequences, such as cart abandonment automation or birthday email automation. Or you can use more unique recipes, such as weather-based re-engagement emails.

Just use the automation flow builder and customize your automation sequences how you like them. The editor is also Drag-and-Drop and easy to use.


Creating your automation sequence that is tailor-made to meet your audience’s needs can give you an idea of the customer’s journey. Not to mention that it will fit your industry’s needs perfectly as well. After all, eCommerce stores have different needs and KPIs than freelancers do.

Lead Generation Tools

Moosend’s platform offers email marketing and marketing automation solutions, but it doesn’t stop there. All marketers know that lead generation can bring more sales, a better ROI, and help you improve your website.

So, let’s see the tools available.

Landing Pages

Landing pages are paramount to SEO, as they’re engaging, contain only the necessary information, and feature imagery and verbs that lead the user towards a specific action.

The platform sports a robust landing page builder, also equipped with a Drag-and-Drop editor that requires no previous knowledge of HTML and plenty of landing page templates to customize to your liking.

The best thing about Moosend’s landing pages is that they won’t take too much to load. After all, loading time can significantly harm your marketing efforts. That way, the feature makes sure all actions are aligned with the brand’s content marketing and engagement goals.

Moosend’s landing pages feature ensures that the templates are fully customizable and GDPR compliant, while the editor allows creators to see what their content looks like on various devices.

But we saved the best for last. You can use widgets and tools the landing page editor doesn’t contain to ensure brand consistency and save your website updates so that you can return to a landing page you loved in the past.

Subscription Forms

It’s time to leave landing pages behind and look at another lead generation powerhouse: the subscription forms. Subscription forms are a fantastic way to get the prospects’ email addresses and create an email list with people genuinely interested in your content.


Moosend’s Form Designer is user-friendly and, like the features mentioned before, doesn’t require any prior HTML knowledge. The platform’s subscription forms feature is simple to use and offers many customizable templates and form options, such as:

  • The Inline form that appears in the website’s content.
  • The Modal pop-up that pops up on your page.
  • The Full page form is exactly what the name indicates.
  • The Floating bar can be added at the header or footer of your web page.
  • The Floating box will stay in place as the user scrolls down your page.

Another amazing feature of Moosend’s subscription forms is that you can pick and choose the forms that will be displayed to each person, according to their location, operating system, device, even the page they’re on. This allows you more freedom when it comes to customization, not to mention a better control of your sales funnel.

Data & Analytics

Dashboard Moosend’s platform offers looks pretty simple and easy to read. After all, reporting and data can be a hassle when you’re not a data scientist.

Moosend’s marketing analytics can help marketers get a bird’s eye view of their customers by summarizing all of the information of their marketing campaigns. At the same time, the heatmap feature will showcase the customer’s behavior, allowing you to make educated decisions.


These pieces of information will allow you to create complete customer profiles and create communication concepts that will resonate with them, as you’ll be able to see the links on which they clicked, the emails that they opened, and so on.

Moosend offers a wide variety of metrics you can use to generate reports and get some much-needed insight into your customers’ behavior. You can gather and visualize data such as the bounced emails of each campaign, the most commonly used devices, and of course, the open rate and the unsubscribe rate of each of your campaigns.

Moosend’s Pricing

The great thing about Moosend’s platform is the fact that it’s affordable and offers pricing plans that could apply to more than most marketing budgets out there.

First of all, we’ve got three tiers, the Free Forever plan, the Pro plan, and the Enterprise plan:

  • The Free Forever plan is free forever and covers up to 1,000 unique subscribers. This means that you can send unlimited emails and have as many mailing lists as you want, as one email address counts as one. It’s excellent for SMBs, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs who don’t need all of the marketing tools just yet, to grow their business.
  • The Pro plan starts at $8/month and is billed annually. This plan offers all features and is the most popular pricing tier. Use it if you’ve got more than 1,000 subscribers and want to see your business grow more.
  • The Enterprise plan is a custom plan that is made to fit your business’ needs.

There’s also a fourth option for those who don’t send emails too often and would like to delve into email marketing as part of a grander scheme, an outreach program, or a PR plan, perhaps. The option is called “Credits.”

Through the credit system, you can purchase credits that you’ll be able to use when you send an email campaign. Each credit covers a number of emails, not a number of subscribers, and there is no expiry date.

Moosend Review Final Words

One of the most commonly discussed cons of the platform is that it offers only email marketing and marketing automation options while leaving some essential tools – such as CRM – behind.

And while this may be true, Moosend offers many integrations that cover from social media reports and ads to the most popular CRM platforms, CMS tools, and list validation options.

Another con is that there are not many native integrations for the platform or a built-in SMS marketing tool.

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